Acer Rubrum – “Red Sunset” Red Maple
“Red Sunset” Red Maple
Acer rubrum “Red Sunset”
Plant Type: Deciduous, broadleaf, large tree
Habit: Upright, pyramidal to rounded canopy
Mature Size: 45′-50′ tall; 35′-40′ wide
Growth Rate: Medium to Fast
Zones: 4-7
Foliage: Glossy green leaves in the summer turn orange-red to brilliant red in the fall. Winter buds, clusters of small winter/spring flowers, leaf stems, twigs, and winged summer fruits are all shades of red.
Requirements: Slightly acidic, well-drained soil, full sun to part shade
Landscape Characteristics: Excellent large shade tree. Spectacular fall color. Tolerates wet soil making it an excellent choice for a rain garden. Adaptable to wide range of climates. Low salt tolerance.
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